We are here to boost your confidence to go foundation free and to shield your skin from environmental stressors such as pollution and free radicals. Like everything we do - we are here to serve and nourish your skin first and looking like a bronzed dewy goddess is just an added bonus.
As anyone who has ever tried a mineral SPF will tell you, there’s a high chance you will end up with some form of white residue. We found consumers as a result applied less than the recommended amount and this sent shivers down our spines!
So, we went on a mission to create a product that you could use prior to your SPF that had the most magical abilities to transform even the palest of sunscreens into a flattering bronze shade! All you need to do is add a single drop to your moisturiser, apply your SPF on top after and watch the bronzed pigmented glow still shine through!
*This product does not contain sun protection.